
Showing posts from July, 2019

Dumping Process Memory with Custom C# Code

Hello All, Introduction As a process of learning how to use Windows API and refreshing my knowledge about c# programming. I plan to learn and code some applications in c# leveraging Windows API for learning & developing tools which can be used during red team engagements. In this post I will share a simple code written in c# leveraging Windows API to dump the process memory for any running process in windows. Note:- I am not the first person to write such a code. There are many code samples available on the internet. What is memory dumping ? Memory dumping is a process in which the content of the memory is stored in a file for analyzing the reason for the crash or it can be useful for extracting sensitive information from the memory of the running process. One of the use cases for dumping the memory of the process can be to extract credentials from the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) process. What is Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (L...